A caring teacher — Educator helps Boone Hospital prepare for the future

A caring teacher — Educator helps Boone Hospital prepare for the future

Randy Fry is Boone Hospital Center’s Employee of the Month for December 2013. Click here to nominate someone for Employee of the Month.

Education is a big part of health care.

We work each day to help our community members understand how to make healthy choices. When people come to the hospital, we educate them about their ailments, describe our treatment plans and inform patients about what it will take to get better.

As health care workers, we are all teachers. Thus the staff members who make up the Boone Hospital Center Training and Development team are the teachers’ teachers.

Randy Fry has spent about half of his 15-year Boone Hospital career working in Training and Development, where he instructs hospital staff on a wide variety of topics as a Clinical Education Generalist.

In his job, Randy helps new clinical employees acclimate to their jobs, he teaches many core skills classes — especially heart-related classes — and he is often on the front line of big technology changes.

“I’ve always liked to teach,” Randy said. “Working in this role is a really good opportunity to help people and hopefully make a positive impact on our success.

Prior to joining Training and Development, Randy was a member of Boone Hospital’s ambulance team.

He said he is proud to be a part of Boone Hospital and he is inspired by the educators and caregivers he works alongside.

“It’s something you hear pretty often, but for me, it’s all about the people I work with,” he said.

When he is not serving at Boone Hospital, Randy enjoys riding his motorcycle and taking vacations with his wife Kris, a Boone Hospital house supervisor, and their two daughters.

Their favorite trip is an annual vacation to Two Medicine Lake in Glacier National Park, where they have family nearby.

“That’s my favorite place in the world,” he said.