June Employee Of The Month Nicole Lauer Says Going To Work Is All About Building Relationships
June employee of the month Nicole Lauer says she decided to go into nursing after giving birth to her son, Avery, at Boone Hospital 12 years ago.
“The staff was so great and passionate. It made me want to become a nurse myself,” says Nicole.
After receiving her nursing certification, Lauer knew she wanted to work at Boone.
“Having my son at Boone was such a wonderful experience. I knew this is where I wanted to work,” says Nicole.
Nicole began working on the Medical Specialties floor in 2007 and transferred to a clinical supervisor position on Surgical Specialties. Recently, she accepted a new challenge in the Wound Clinic.
“I love to learn and to challenge myself. I felt like the transfer was a good way to expand my skill set,” says Nicole.
Nicole furthered her career by obtaining her BSN this past year. She also says she enjoys getting tips from experienced nurses, as well as helping out new nurses. Nicole has been a preceptor to many new nurses starting out their career. She says, to her, going to work is all about building relationships.
“I am constantly building relationships with my fellow nurses, the physicians, and the patients. I love getting up and going to work everyday, because I love the people I come into contact with here at Boone,” says Nicole.
Nicole says one of her favorite parts about working in the wound clinic is getting to know the patients and their families. She says she cares for her patients like they are her own family.
“We see them on a weekly basis, so we really get to know them,” she says.
When she’s not working, Nicole is busy traveling with Avery’s traveling baseball team. She and Avery also love to bike and spend time outdoors. Congratulations, Nicole!