Boone Hospital Center Receives Excellence in Eye Donation Award

Boone Hospital Center Receives Excellence in Eye Donation Award

Boone Hospital Center received Saving Sight’s Excellence in Eye Donation Award, recognizing the partner hospital for achievements in providing the gift of sight to those needing a transplant last year.  In 2014, staff at Boone Hospital Center helped to facilitate 37 eye donation cases, which resulted in 42 individuals receiving restored sight through a cornea transplant.  Overall, the hospital achieved a 52 percent consent rate for eye donation. 

The Excellence in Eye Donation Award was created to recognize hospitals that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to eye donation.  Hospitals in Saving Sight’s service area of Missouri, Kansas and Illinois that achieved an eye donation consent rate exceeding 45 percent with at least 10 donors during the 2014 calendar year received the award.

“We applaud Boone Hospital Center for empowering others to give the gift of sight and for striving to create a culture that support donation,” said Tony Bavuso, CEO of Saving Sight. “Thanks to the staff at Boone Hospital, more people than ever were able to receive a sight-saving cornea transplant last year.”

Each year around 46,000 individuals in the United States require a cornea transplant to restore vision that has been lost due to disease, disorder or injury.  With the help of hospital partners like Boone Hospital, Saving Sight provided corneas for 2,985 of those transplant surgeries in 2014.  For more information on becoming an eye, organ and tissue donor please visit