Meet Boone’s Dietitian Blogger Kelsie Knerr
I’m Kelsie Knerr, a dietitian foodie who loves biking to the Columbia Farmer’s Market and decorating sugar cookies. I was raised in Columbia, played sports at Rock Bridge, took culinary classes at the Career Center, and double-majored at the University of Missouri with a degree in Dietetics and in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology. Before I joined Boone Hospital Center, I worked with Fayetteville Public Schools in Arkansas, where I focused my efforts on sourcing cafeteria food from local farms and implementing nutrition education curriculum into P.E. and science classrooms. After moving back to my hometown, I started as an outpatient dietitian with Boone Hospital Center’s Diabetes and Weight Management Program and WELLAWARE.
On the outpatient counseling side of my job, I focus mainly on weight loss and blood sugar control, and with both, I encourage balanced intake of carbohydrates and protein and eating lots of non-starchy veggies. I get to help people slow down and think through the reasons behind the food choices they make, and I encourage small changes in habits to keep them healthy long term.
I also work with WELLAWARE’s corporate and community events. One morning, we may be a few hours away in our Mobile Health Unit helping people know their cholesterol numbers, and the next we may be at a local health fair giving out nutrition information. Two of my favorite events include our Heart Fair and our summer Kids on Track program. And my new obsession is Boone’s Smoothie Bike!
I hope to use this blog to share recipes and glimpses of what I’m learning as a dietitian at Boone Hospital Center.