Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai

Spaghetti Squash Pad Thai

I am planting some spaghetti squash seeds in my garden this spring (best in early May for Central Missouri), specifically because this Pad Thai recipe made me fall in love with this winter squash. If you have never eaten spaghetti squash, it is usually around 3 pounds and pale yellow. After it is cooked the inside becomes a bowl of noodle shaped starchy veggies, it is pretty incredible! I enjoy telling my patients about this noodle substitute if they are wanting to find a lower calorie and lower carbohydrate substitute for normal pasta.

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Mediterranean Lentil Salad

Mediterranean Lentil Salad

Lentils are a part of the legume family. Other common legumes include peas, chickpeas, beans, soybeans, and peanuts. Lentils are cheap and they pack many vitamins and minerals like folate, manganeseiron, phosphorous, coppervitamin B1, and potassium. The energy from lentils sticks with you and keeps you satisfied due to its high protein and fiber content. Lentils aren’t complicated to cook, and to save time, you could cook them in bulk for the week and freeze what you don’t end up using.

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Run. Walk. Honor.

Run. Walk. Honor.

Lt. Buddy Anliker of the University of Missouri Police Department and his wife, Christie, were out for a run shortly after the 2016 shooting in Dallas, Texas, where five police officers were killed. 

“We were talking about that event and we both said, ‘We have to do more. We have to do something different,’” Buddy says. 

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“We have to fix it.”

“We have to fix it.”

Nathaniel “Bud” Murphey, MD, of Boone Medical Group Ashland is well known in his community and is loved dearly by his patients. He has practiced medicine for more than 35 years in mid-Missouri and has been in Ashland for over 20 years. While he’s known for caring for the health of many, some may not know that the doctor recently overcame a major health scare himself.

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