Labor Day Closures

Labor Day Closures

Boone Hospital Center is always open to serve our patients and community, however, some of our services and clinics will be closed on Monday, September 7 for Labor Day. 

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Reese Renee Boone Baby Story

Reese Renee Boone Baby Story

I think every mother has the first time seeing their baby imprinted in their brain. You stare at this beautiful little baby laying on your chest, in awe that you somehow grew a human inside of you. I remember feeling so exhausted but also so in awe of my little girl.

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Team Response

Team Response

In 1918, an influenza pandemic affected nearly a third of the world’s population and left few communities unaffected, including Boone County, Missouri. This pandemic also changed approaches to public health. Where infectious disease was once viewed as an individual problem, the emerging science of epidemiology considered infectious disease to be a social issue. Preventing disease became as important as treating the sick. 

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Water: The Wonder Beverage

Water: The Wonder Beverage

Drinking water is one of the most easily accessible and cheapest starting places to help improve your health. Whether you struggle with constipation or want to lose weight or manage blood sugar, you can do yourself a lot of good by consistently and frequently choosing water.

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A History of Helping

A History of Helping

From 1989 until his retirement in December 2012, Rod Hartwig had been Boone Hospital’s Payroll Manager for 23 years. Before he officially retired, Rod wondered what he was going to do with his free time. Knowing he wasn’t ready to leave Boone, Rod filled out an application to become a Boone Hospital volunteer.

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Our July Employee of the Month

Our July Employee of the Month

As a Circulating Nurse in the Operating Room, Heidi says “I’m the patient’s advocate while they’re under anesthesia. I make sure they’re safe and that they receive the appropriate care.”

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Our July 2020 Employee of the Month

Our July 2020 Employee of the Month

“I was at lunch when I got a call from the OR desk, asking me to come to the huddle room. My first thought was ‘What did I do wrong?’” says OR nurse Heidi Woods.

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