Better Beginnings with Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding offers benefits for mother and baby. While breastfeeding is natural, it is a learned skill. This class is designed to provide breastfeeding education, support and guidance.

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Childbirth in a Day Class

Designed to offer detailed childbirth preparation in a small group setting. The class size is limited to encourage questions, discussion and individual attention. Topics include physical and emotional changes of pregnancy, the labor and birth process, Cesarean birth, pain management, post partum and the newborn. Class will integrate massage and breathing awareness with relaxation training.

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November Employee Of The Month Has Enjoyed Seeing The GI Lab Grow

November Employee Of The Month Has Enjoyed Seeing The GI Lab Grow

As a staff and charge nurse in the GI lab, Kathy Reller works with physicians, technicians and other nurses on highly specialized procedures to diagnose and treat gastrointestinal conditions. Her job requires a high degree of skill and knowledge, and it also requires care, compassion and discretion for the people who need these procedures.

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Hope & Encouragement

Hope & Encouragement

As 84-year-old Joan Camp laid in her hospital bed waiting to become the first patient in mid-Missouri to receive a CardioMEMS device, it wasn’t fear or anxiety she was feeling; it was hope and encouragement. 

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Double The Love

Double The Love

When Brandy and Michael Wheat found out they were having twins, they were ecstatic. Brandy has twins on both her mother’s and father’s sides of the family, so they knew there was a strong possibility they would welcome two bundles of joy instead of one.

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Reel Compassion

Reel Compassion

You couldn’t have asked for a better summer day. It was July 12, and the high was forecast to be in the 80s. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Days like this are a gift in the midst of the sweltering Missouri summer, and Jeff Troyer of Jacksonville knew exactly how he wanted to spend it — fishing with his grandson Tyler at Rothwell Park in Moberly. 

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Partners In Health: Charlie and Kathy Digges

Partners In Health: Charlie and Kathy Digges

Most 96-years-olds aren’t taking float trips and golfing on a regular basis, but Charlie Digges isn’t your average 96-year-old. Charlie and his wife, Kathy, work out every day they can, either at their local gym or by taking walks near their home.

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Slashing Sodium

Slashing Sodium

Ever wonder why you can’t stop thinking about a specific food, like a juicy cheeseburger or fries? Your body craves what you eat, so the more you eat certain foods, the more you potentially crave them. Often we crave foods that are laden with fat, sugar and sodium.

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October Employee of the Month loves making connections at Boone

October Employee of the Month loves making connections at Boone

“I love people,” Cheryl Johnson says. “I love meeting people. I love working with people.”

Cheryl is definitely in the right place — as a telecommunications operator, she works with and assists internal and external callers and may talk to hundreds of people a day.

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