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Pharmacy Insurance

Prescription drug benefits are included in the Boone Health Medical Plan option that you elect when you enroll in Boone Health benefits. In this section, you will find information about receiving prescription medications through the Boone Health Medical Plan. In most cases, for prescription refills, using Boone Plaza Pharmacy or Optum Home Delivery Pharmacy will result in the lowest possible co-payment for your medications.

Go to Prescription Refills if you are already a Boone Health pharmacy customer and need to order a refill, check refill status, set dose reminders, transfer a prescription, or locate a pharmacy.

To fill a prescription, please call Boone Plaza Pharmacy at 573-815-6255.


Prescription Drug Coverage Chart

30-Day Supply Boone Plaza Pharamacy Also offers 30-day/90-day supply
Boone Plaza Pharmacy Walgreens or Walmart Pharmacy WellDyne Mail Order Pharmacy
Generic Drugs $15/$35 $35 $15/$35
Preferred Brand-Name Drugs $45/$110 $110 $45/$110
Non-Preferred Brand-Name Drugs $75/$150 $150 $75/$150
Specialty Drugs $50 at Boone Plaza Pharmacy or Optum Specialty Pharmacy
Per Family $4,000


Prescription drug copayments depend on the type of pharmacy you choose the type of drug you purchase, and the supply amount. Copayments for above listed 90-day supplies apply only to maintenance medications.

Each Boone medical plan member is allowed two emergency fills per calendar year (from a list of eligible drugs available at cap-rx.com) at Walgreens or Walmart pharmacies and at the same copayment as Boone Plaza Pharmacy.

Key Features

  • Capital RX administers your prescription drug claims.
  • You will pay the lowest copayment when filling new prescriptions and refills at Boone Plaza Pharmacy or Optum Home Delivery Pharmacy.
  • To fill prescriptions at Boone Plaza Pharmacy please call 573-815-6255.
  • To contact Capital RX, please call 833.502.2909 or visit cap-rx.com.

ALL REFILLS need to be filled through Boone Plaza Pharmacy or Optum Home Delivery Pharmacy to obtain the lowest copayment. Refills not processed through these pharmacies will result in significantly higher costs to you.

ALL SPECIALTY DRUGS (first fills and refills) need to be directed to Boone Plaza Pharmacy or Optum Specialty Pharmacy. Copayment is $50 if filled through Boone Plaza Pharmacy or Optum Specialty Pharmacy.

Eligible Pharmacies

  • Optum Home Delivery Pharmacy can deliver 30-day first fills (new prescriptions), refills, 90-day supplies of maintenance medications, and 30-day specialty drug prescriptions with no mailing fees. Employees should order 14 business days in advance.
    • To fill prescriptions at Boone Plaza Pharmacy please call 573-815-6255.
  • Walgreens operates 9,277 drugstores with a presence in all 50 states. Walmart operates 4,600 pharmacies with a presence in all 50 states.


Transfer from a non-Boone Health pharmacy to a Boone Plaza Pharmacy: Contact the pharmacy at 573-815-6255 and a pharmacy representative will assist you.