Go Hard (But Not Too Hard)

Go Hard (But Not Too Hard)

You may have seen this motivational message on T-shirts, social media or the wall at your gym. Fitness culture focuses on competition and hard work. You don’t see motivational images of an athlete getting a good night’s sleep, and you don’t get a cool window decal for eating a balanced diet. But recovery is a necessary part of athletic training

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Kids On Track Creating Champions

Kids On Track Creating Champions

5-year-old Lilly Ann Powell beamed with pride when the Kids on Track medal was placed around her neck. She walked an entire marathon that summer just for this moment. Her mom Bethanie Faye couldn’t help but smile right along with her. She was so proud of how hard her daughter had worked.

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Free A1C Screening

Free blood A1C screening at Boone Hospital Center Diabetes Education office:

Broadway Medical Plaza 3
1701 E. Broadway, Suite 102
​Columbia, Missouri 65201

Screenings are offered from 7 to 10 a.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m.

To register, please call 573.815.3870. 

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3D Mammography Helps Find Cancer Early

3D Mammography Helps Find Cancer Early

Jill Cox stepped into Boone Hospital’s Harris Breast Center feeling somewhat confident. She scheduled her routine mammogram for that day after realizing it’d been a couple years since her last scan. The friendly admissions staff greeted her, and she took a seat. Soon she was called back and prepared for the exam.

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Childhood Sports Specialization – A Damaging Trend?

Childhood Sports Specialization – A Damaging Trend?

Sports specialization is training exclusively in one sport, often year-round. Sports specialization as early as elementary school is becoming very common and has many parents wondering if the practice could have negative effects on their children’s bodies. Josh Hamann, MD, a sports injury specialist with Columbia Orthopaedic Group, answers some common questions about childhood sports specialization.

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One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time

Dan Wright sat back one spring evening and got out his phone to call one of his longtime friends. But this call was not to reconnect or to set up a time to visit, this call was to ask for support. Dan was going to ask for help on his journey to quit smoking.

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$5 Jewelry Sale

Thursday, October 26th 8 am – 4:30 pm

Friday, October 27th 7 am – 3 pm

Located in the Boone Hospital Center Main Lobby.

Cash, Credit/Debit Cards & Payroll Deduction Accepted

Proceeds benefit Boone Hospital Foundation.

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What I learned from Whole30

What I learned from Whole30

Over the last few years I have gotten more questions regarding the Whole 30 diet. The more questions I got, the more I wanted to learn about it. For me, the best way to learn a diet is to go on it, so that is what I decided to do.

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“I’d Lost Myself”

“I’d Lost Myself”

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a mom,” says Missy Nichols of Columbia, Mo. When she and her husband, Spencer, learned they were expecting their first baby in 2014, they were overjoyed.

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