Heart Disease In Women

Heart Disease In Women

In the movies, men get heart attacks, women get their hearts broken. But reality is harsher — according to the American Heart Association, 1 in 3 women in the United States die of cardiovascular disease and stroke each year. (By comparison, 1 in 31 American women die annually of breast cancer.)

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Composer Shares Joy with Patients

Composer Shares Joy with Patients

Grayson Neate Kabler was 60 years old when she discovered her greatest passion. The third-generation Columbia business owner spent years working in her family’s store, Neates, at Ninth and Broadway. She was also an equestrian, travel agent and, most importantly, a loving caregiver for her husband, Kary Kabler. Kary lived with multiple sclerosis for more than 40 years and required around-the-clock care. It was during this time that Grayson began to look for something she could do in their home … something creative.

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Last May, Teresa Wren’s life nearly ended in three brief flashes.

First, she remembers waking up in the middle of the night. She felt hot. So she stood up, turned down the air conditioner in her Columbia home and went back to bed.

In the next scene, it was morning. Her husband, Charles, was standing at the bedroom door. “Are you going to get up?” he asked. Teresa didn’t respond.

Her final vision was her daughter, Lexi, standing over her — just for a moment. Then black.

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Quick Action

Quick Action

 It was just your average Sunday. Glen Frerichs went up front and gave the announcements at his church, Trinity Lutheran, where he serves as an elder. He then went back to his seat and sat next to his wife, Kathy. The first hymn began to play and the church erupted into song. 

For the last verse of the hymn, the congregation rose from their seats, but when Glen got up, he knew something wasn’t right. A wave of dizziness hit him — and that’s the last Glen remembers of that morning until he awoke in the emergency room. 

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Eating Organic on a Budget

Eating Organic on a Budget

Buying organic fruits and vegetables can cost more, but are they worth the extra cost? Boone Hospital Center WELLAWARE registered dietitian Jennifer Tveitnes helps you figure out how to enjoy the benefits of organic produce while minding your grocery budget.

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Get Strong, Stay Strong

Get Strong

The words women and weightlifting may make you picture female professional bodybuilders posing in a competition. But muscles are made for more than flexing; you literally couldn’t get out of bed without them. Our muscles help us do so much that it’s easy to take them for granted.

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Touching Hearts Close To Home

Touching Hearts Close To Home

The second you meet 6-year-old Olive Werth, you can’t help but smile. This little girl will look you right in the eye, give you a toothy grin, and then giggle with delight at meeting a new friend. But this energetic first grader wasn’t always so lively. Her mother, Katie, describes her as “quiet and serene” during her first few months of life.

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Enjoy this Easy Asian Kale Salad Recipe!

Enjoy this Easy Asian Kale Salad Recipe!

Boone Hospital WELLAWARE registered dietitian Kelsie Knerr demonstrated how to make this delicious Asian kale salad and dressing at our April 30 Cancer Prevention Fair. If you missed her demo, don't worry; she'll give you the recipe!

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Hospital Opens Three New Operating Rooms

Hospital Opens Three New Operating Rooms

Boone Hospital Center opened three new cardiovascular operating rooms, including a hybrid room equipped with an advanced medical imaging device that allows diagnostic imaging during complex surgical procedures. 

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