Above the Bar

Above the Bar

Breakfast bars can taste just like cookies, but are they a healthy breakfast option? WELLAWARE dietetics intern Lori Bohnenstiehl finds out. 

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The Foundation C.A.R.E.s

The Foundation C.A.R.E.s

Shirley Brown had been in pain for a year when she was recommended to visit orthopedic surgeon Benjamin Holt, MD. What started as a dull hip pain had progressed to at times excruciating pain. 

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Meet the WELLAWARE Fitness Center’s “Social Director”

Meet the WELLAWARE Fitness Center’s “Social Director”

If you work out at Boone Hospital’s WELLAWARE Fitness Center, chances are you know Lois Sellmeyer.  Lois is 92 and has worked out at the gym three days a week for the last 17 years. She is known for her outgoing and friendly demeanor and has made lots of friends during her time at the gym. She’s even been nicknamed the “social director” by WELLAWARE staff. 

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Healthy Eating: Am I Doing It Right?

Healthy Eating: Am I Doing It Right?

healthy, balanced diet isn’t just good for weight loss; it can give you energy, keep your body in good working condition and enhance your workouts. You may have resolved to eat healthier this year but don’t know where to begin or what you really need to do to eat healthy. Boone Hospital WELLAWARE registered dietitians Jennifer Anderson (listed as JA), Kelsie Knerr (KK) and Jennifer Tveitnes (JT) answered our questions.

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7/9/16 – Columbia ARC A1C Health Screenings

Our Know Your Numbers mobile health unit will provide free health screenings for hemoglobin A1C, blood pressure and body composition at Activity & Recreation Center (ARC) in Columbia. No fasting or registration is required.

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Sending A Message

Sending A Message

Jeff Bergman’s life is dedicated to living and working at his fullest potential — and helping others do the same. His background in the arenas of public speaking and human potential has positioned him to inspire individuals and organizations to create a culture of greatness.

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