Boone Family Birthplace Achieves High Care Standards

Boone Family Birthplace Achieves High Care Standards

We are excited to celebrate excellence in women’s health care at Boone Hospital Center, as evidenced by our remarkable achievements of zero early elective deliveries and zero abdominal hysterectomy surgical site infections throughout 2015.

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2016 Diabetes Fair

Come enjoy a day of education and fun at a fair dedicated to helping you learn how to manage your diabetes and live your life to the fullest. 

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Ralls County A1C Screening – 6/30/16

Boone Hospital Center will provide free A1C hemoglobin, blood pressure and body composition screenings at Ralls County Health Department in New London. Mo. No appointment is required for A1C screenings. 

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Got The Winter Blues?

Got The Winter  Blues?

After the excitement of the holidays is over, it’s normal to feel underwhelmed returning to the daily grind, especially with several months of cold winter weather ahead of us. But some people feel more than a post-holiday letdown. For people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the change of seasons brings a change of mood.

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Be Mindful of Mindless Eating

Mindless eating is a part of most everyone's lives — and even an extra 100 to 200 calories a day can add up. The little extra treats that we sneak throughout the day are more significant than we realize. Fortunately, small changes in your habits and environment can make a big difference!

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Valentine’s Day Treats

Valentine’s Day Treats

At the end of every year, we navigate our way through the holiday season, constantly attempting to dodge the food that is thrown our way. They pass, and New Year's Resolutions come, where we adamantly dedicate ourselves to healthy habits.  By the end of January, we are finally getting back on track.

Then comes Valentine's Day.

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