Boone Health Occupational Medicine
Occupational Medicine of Mid Missouri has become Boone Health Occupational Medicine. Now a part of the Boone Medical Group, this clinic has provided occupational health services to mid-Missouri businesses, both large and small, since 1999. Under the new name, the same great services will be provided by the same great staff in the same location now backed by the Boone Health team.
401 N Keene St
Columbia, MO 65201
(Inside Boone Clinic First Floor)
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Phone: 573-876-1600
Fax: 573-876-1606
About Occupational Medicine
Medical direction is provided by Dr. Michael Szewczyk, who has 30 years of experience treating injured workers. He, Dr. Robert Herting and Dr. Eric Bettis understand Missouri Worker's Compensation, OSHA Standards, and the importance of return to work.
Our goal is to take excellent care of your employees, while understanding the needs of your company. We believe in early return to work, recognizing this facilitates recovery. Communication between all parties, our office, the employer, the employee, the nurse case manager or safety officer, and the insurance company is critical and we work hard to do it well.
We specialize in detailed and comprehensive physical examinations. This includes post offer exams, DOT certification, medical surveillance, fitness for duty and executive wellness exams.
Services We Offer
- Evaluation and Treatment of Work Injuries and Illnesses
- Post Offer, DOT and Comprehensive Physical Exams
- Fitness for Duty Evaluations
- Medical Surveillance for OSHA Compliance
- Respirator Clearance Exams and Fit Testing
- Drug Screening
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- X-ray Referrals
- Audiometric (hearing) Testing
- Electrocardiograms
- Laboratory Testing
- AED Medical Direction
- Immunizations, in office and on site
- On site testing, evaluations and consultative services

Dr. Michael Szewczyk - Physician

Dr. Robert Herting - Physician

Dr. Eric Bettis - Physician