December Employee of the Month supports the orthopedic surgery team

December Employee of the Month supports the orthopedic surgery team

On a typical day in Boone Hospital Center’s Orthopaedics Specialties unit, there can be many patients arriving to the floor before and after joint surgeries. Unit Secretary Brenda Singleton prepares the nurses and patient care techs to treat the patients before they arrive, assisting with room assignments, setting up means to contact members of a patient’s care teams, entering orders, answering phones and working with our orthopedic surgeons and other physicians.

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October Employee of the Month: “I can be myself at Boone.”

October Employee of the Month: “I can be myself at Boone.”

When Jeanine Hickman was told that she was Boone Hospital Center’s October Employee of the Month, she did a literal victory dance, high-fiving her many co-workers who had gathered in the Boone Appetít Café for the announcement. Known for her outgoing personality, great customer service and sense of humor, neither the award nor her reaction were a surprise to those who’ve met Jeanine.

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August Employee of the Month is a true team player

August Employee of the Month is a true team player

One thing Deontae Curtis’s teammates at Boone Hospital Center can agree upon: he is great with his patients on the Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery unit. “Patients always love to see Deontae enter their room,” wrote one of his peers. Another staff member nominating Deontae to be our next Employee of the Month wrote, “He works well with his patients. They all love him.”

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Employee of the Month found her second family at Boone

Employee of the Month found her second family at Boone

“There is a never a dull moment in the Emergency Department,” says Michelle Crane, unit secretary. But she wouldn’t want it any other way: “I like the intensity. When the team goes into action to save a life, we’re all involved. We all have a role. It feels good to be a part of that.”

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Employee of the Month has historic ties to Boone Hospital

Employee of the Month has historic ties to Boone Hospital

When Shari Bullard first came to Boone Hospital in 1981, she was still deciding if she wanted to be a nurse or a teacher. At the time, Shari was a nurse’s aide on what was then called the Cardiac Unit, working on weekends while attending at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg. She had received her nurse’s aide training from a Boone Hospital class taught over the summer.

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