Sending A Message

Sending A Message

Jeff Bergman’s life is dedicated to living and working at his fullest potential — and helping others do the same. His background in the arenas of public speaking and human potential has positioned him to inspire individuals and organizations to create a culture of greatness.

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A Lifetime Of Care

A Lifetime Of Care

Harold Price was born with a coarctation — a narrowing of the aorta that prevents the main blood vessel from carrying oxygenated blood from the heart to the body. This complication ended up being just one of many health difficulties has Harold has faced throughout his 69-year life.

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Hope & Encouragement

Hope & Encouragement

As 84-year-old Joan Camp laid in her hospital bed waiting to become the first patient in mid-Missouri to receive a CardioMEMS device, it wasn’t fear or anxiety she was feeling; it was hope and encouragement. 

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Double The Love

Double The Love

When Brandy and Michael Wheat found out they were having twins, they were ecstatic. Brandy has twins on both her mother’s and father’s sides of the family, so they knew there was a strong possibility they would welcome two bundles of joy instead of one.

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Reel Compassion

Reel Compassion

You couldn’t have asked for a better summer day. It was July 12, and the high was forecast to be in the 80s. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Days like this are a gift in the midst of the sweltering Missouri summer, and Jeff Troyer of Jacksonville knew exactly how he wanted to spend it — fishing with his grandson Tyler at Rothwell Park in Moberly. 

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Partners In Health: Charlie and Kathy Digges

Partners In Health: Charlie and Kathy Digges

Most 96-years-olds aren’t taking float trips and golfing on a regular basis, but Charlie Digges isn’t your average 96-year-old. Charlie and his wife, Kathy, work out every day they can, either at their local gym or by taking walks near their home.

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Free Screening, Priceless Outcome

Free Screening

Ron Gladbach was careful. As a longtime farmer and someone with a family history of skin cancer, he knew he was at high risk. He often checked his skin for signs of cancer, focusing on areas frequently exposed to the sun, like his face and ears. 

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New Arrivals

New Arrivals

Beth and Taylor Perry had just moved to Columbia from Georgia to open the Zaxby’s on Stadium Drive when they found out Beth was pregnant.

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