Lab Tested

Boone Health Lab

By Jessica Park In January 2020, Drew Wilkinson, Director of Boone Health Laboratory Services, Ambulance Services and Emergency Department, had one thing on his mind – bringing Boone lab services to more communities. New outpatient draw sites were scheduled to open in Columbia and work was about to start on a location in Mexico, Mo.…

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Early Detection

Travis Fitzgerald

By Madison Loethen Travis Fitzgerald has always spent a lot of time outdoors. He grew up in Southern California and says sunburns were part of everyday life for him as a kid. Now he is a married father of 3 and his family loves to spend time together outside. Getting checked for skin cancer was…

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Saving Money at the Store

Saving Money at the Store It’s no secret that grocery prices are going up. Navigating a nutritious diet while controlling your grocery budget is challenging. Following a few basic tips can help keep both bank account and nutrition on track. Unit Price What is unit price, and how do you calculate it? Price ÷ Quantity…

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Getting His Voice Back

Speech Therapy

By Erin Wegner After Gary Cannaday was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease two years ago, his voice became raspy and quiet. He noticed people had a hard time understanding what he was saying. He was also noticing new difficulty organizing his thoughts and maintaining conversations with friends and family. One of thescarier things he began to…

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A Premature Blessing


By Hannah Robertson The greatest blessings in life arrive when we least expect them. That was the case for theMoore family, whose latest addition arrived almost 8 weeks before her December 19 due date. Carlene Moore was taking a shower after a day of Halloween-related activities on October 24 when she first started feeling contractions.…

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Angie and her Boone Angels

Angie Lewis

By Madison Loethen Boone Health Pulmonary Clinic Patient Service Representative Angie Lewis was doing one of her favorite things in the world – spending time with her family – when she became concerned that one of her family members was becoming ill. “I was worried about him, so I took him to Boone Convenient Care…

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Protein is the main dietary focus after weight loss surgery. Protein at every meal. Eat your protein first. Hit your daily protein goal. In past blog posts, carbohydrates were explained as necessary in appropriate portions and choosing the ‘smart’ carbs packed with fiber and a variety of nutrients. But what about fat? Like carbs, fat…

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After weight loss surgery, the main dietary focus is protein. Protein at every meal. Eat your protein first. Hit your daily protein goal. But what about carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are often vilified, but they are not ‘bad’ foods. Carbs provide a variety of important nutrients! They are the body’s preferred source of energy, especially for the…

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A Matter Of The Heart

By Hannah Robertson One day in March 2021, Rickey Harvey was attending a Heart Health Check his wife, Susie, had signed him up for. He had no symptoms but was prompted to attend the Heart Health Check given his family health history. He has relatives who have Factor V Leiden, a genetic blood-clotting disorder due…

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A New Path

By Hannah Robertson There are moments in life when two paths stand clearly in front of us and we know, instinctually, that the path we take will change everything. For Dale Donnell, that moment came shortly after his second heart attack. Anthony J. Spaedy, MD, a cardiologist with Missouri Heart Center, had treated Dale just…

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