Chemical Peels
As a nurse practitioner in the aesthetics field, fall not only means pumpkin spice lattes, sweaters, bonfires, and falling leaves – it makes me think of corrective treatments for the skin! Cooler temperatures, less direct sun exposure, and fewer outdoor activities make autumn a great time to undergo a medical-grade chemical peel. But what is…
Read MoreDry Needling
Decades of lower back and hip pain began to melt away for Brenda Wilson as she underwent dry needling from Boone Health Therapy Services. Brenda’s pain began in her late teens after roller-skating falls and an unusual landing when cliff jumping into a river. “At the time, the pain was just occasional, but as I…
Read MoreBack in the Workshop
Dale Vogt got the help he needed to get back to making wooden toys for children in need. 91-year-old Dale Vogt enjoys spending his days in his woodworking workshop, making little toys to give to children in need. Woodworking has been a passion of his since he was just 8 years old, learning from his…
Read MoreRelieve Lower Back Pain
When people think of core muscles, they often think of six-pack abs; however, our core includes much more than abdominal muscles. Our hips, glutes, hip flexors, and lower back are all connected and work to stabilize our core and maintain correct posture. Unfortunately, many Americans neglect strengthening these muscles and often develop deficiencies or imbalances…
Zach Traylor sits across from the doctor who saved his life. The last time Zach was in front of Michael Brown, MD, MS of Missouri Heart Center, Zach was in a Pheo Crisis – a rare, life-threatening endocrine emergency. But how did a seemingly healthy 24-year-old get to this point? Zach was enjoying life. He…
Read MoreKatie Bealmer, RN
Emergency Department Rock Bridge! Bruins! I’m from right here in mid- Missouri. I went to RBHS and graduated from Columbia College in 2010. I’ve been married to my husband Jeremy for 13 years, and between us we have four kids: Hannah, Keaton, Hailey, and Josh. Why did you get into the health care field? Originally,…
Read MoreBoone Babies Growing Up
Oh, blessed sleep! There is something glorious about getting a full night’s rest without interruption and that wonderful feeling of rejuvenation in the morning. Unfortunately, sleep can be thrown off at many points. For many of us, getting our brains to quiet down so that we can enter dreamland is a struggle – and that…
High blood pressure is known as the silent killer because people often do not show any symptoms, but the longer their blood pressure goes unmanaged, the greater chance they’ll have of a heart attack or stroke. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a common condition that affects the body’s arteries. The force of the…
Read MoreDiscover Disc Golf
If you are looking for a new sport to try, consider disc golf. It’s a sport that’s easy to learn and fun for the whole family – and it could help you get your 10,000 steps in for the day! Disc golf was introduced in the 1960s as a new way to get outdoor aerobic…
Read MoreLabor Day Closures
Boone Health is always here to improve the health of the people and communities we serve, but some of our clinics and services will be closed on Monday, September 4 for Labor Day. We wish you and your family a safe, healthy, and happy weekend. And thank you to our Boone Health employees who will…
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