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Support Services

The Boone Hospital Center care team embraces the belief that treatment for cancer is multifaceted and patient-centered, referred to clinically as psychosocial oncology care.

This means that every attempt is made to empower the patient to participate as part of the care team and be an active force in treatment decisions.

It means that treatment is broadly defined to include not only excellent medical care, but also attention to nutrition as well as emotional, cognitive, spiritual and relationship issues in a body, mind and spirit bond.

Support Groups

Ostomy Support Group

The United Ostomy Association - Columbia Chapter is a support group for people interested in ostomy surgery, whether professionals or lay person. For more information, please call 573.815.3817.

Reach to Recovery

Sponsored by Columbia's American Cancer Society office. For more information, please call 573.443.1496.

Spiritual Care Services

Spiritual Care Services provides spiritual care, counseling and support for patients and families. Boone Hospital Center chaplains serve as resources in the crisis of hospitalization by helping families and patients find the strength to deal with natural fears, worries, doubts and questions which may arise in the face of illness.

Integrative Therapies

Integrative therapies are those which are non-traditional to the medical setting but are integrated into the patient's plan of care with the knowledge of the patient, physician and other healthcare staff.


Patients, medial professionals and clergy have searched for complimentary forms of healing. One such method is walking a labyrinth. Walking this path can be a personal pilgrimage to spiritual wholeness and healing of the mind, body and spirit.

Palliative Care/Supportive Care

The Palliative Care Program at Boone Hospital Center has the primary mission of relieving the pain, suffering and symptoms of those who cannot be cured. It offers direct patient care as well as support for the family.

Pain Management

Most patients with advanced cancer experience pain during the course of their disease. The care team at Boone Hospital Center was acutely aware that unrelieved pain can significantly diminish the quality of life for cancer patients, and so they created the Pain Management Clinic, where certified physicians locate and treat the sources of pain for patients with either sudden onset or long-term pain problems.

Cancer pain may be acute or chronic. Acute pain generally results from tissue damage and is of limited duration. Once the cause of pain has been identified, it can be successfully managed. Chronic pain, on the other hand, is persistent—usually greater than three months in duration. Because the cause of chronic pain often cannot be altered, your nervous system will adapt, which may cause depression, anxiety and/or insomnia. An accurate assessment of your pain experience provides a basis for an evaluation of various pain management techniques. At Boone Hospital Center we use the 0-10 pain scale; 0 meaning no pain to 10 meaning the worst pain you have ever experienced.

Nutritional Services

Diet can affect everything from cancer risk, positive and negative impact of cancer treatment and energy during recovery. Boone Hospital Center's WELLAWARE staff understand this, and offer several services, including those of a registered dietician, as part of the treatment strategy for Boone's cancer patients.

Rehabilitation Services

Rehabilitation helps patients to regain as much physical independent as possible after cancer treatment. The patient’s physician, care coordinator, social worker, physical and occupational therapist, in addition to home health and WELLAWARE staff may be part of the patient's rehabilitation plan. Patients should speak with physician or care coordinator about rehabilitation services that may be useful to them during and after recovery.

Oncology Social Worker

The oncology social worker assists the patient's social and emotional needs during cancer treatment and recovery. Social workers often provide counseling about financial and housing issues, child care and various forms of emotional pain.