Care Team
Boone Health has a long tradition as a leader in surgical and nonsurgical orthopaedic treatment. Our services are comprehensive and multidisciplinary, involving a team of professionals who can help patients from pre-surgery, through rehabilitation and following discharge.

Boone Hospital Center's Orthopaedic Service Line is staffed by the talented surgeons from Columbia Orthopaedic Group. Learn more about these surgeons in our physician directory or at
Nurse Navigators
It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed when it’s time for orthopaedic surgery. That’s why our orthopaedic nurse navigators will help guide you and your family from pre-surgery to post-surgery care and through rehabilitation and recovery. Our navigators are here to serve as your personal guide throughout your care and even follow-up when you go home.
How we can help:
- Home assessment for safety and mobility needs
- Pre-operative education
- Greet you upon your arrival the morning of your surgery, visits throughout your stay and follow-up phone calls when you get home
- Connect you with other hospital services as needed
Monica Barton
Denean Mullis
Rehabilitation and Therapy
Whether you have suffered an orthopaedic injury, undergone joint replacement surgery or are dealing with a chronic back condition, the rehabilitation and therapy staff at Boone Hospital Center provide both inpatient and outpatient care. The specialty-trained physical and occupational therapists are here to help you throughout your recovery by improving your strength and flexibility, increasing your endurance and improving your coordination.
Inpatient therapy can help orthopaedic patients:
- be mobile again
- improve their balance
- reach required recovery goals for discharge
- develop and follow a recovery plan after discharge
- continue their progress through one-on-one treatment with a licensed therapist
- find additional resources within Boone Health when needed.
Learn more about Boone Health's therapy services