Got The Winter Blues?

Got The Winter  Blues?

After the excitement of the holidays is over, it’s normal to feel underwhelmed returning to the daily grind, especially with several months of cold winter weather ahead of us. But some people feel more than a post-holiday letdown. For people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the change of seasons brings a change of mood.

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The Skinny On Dieting

The Skinny On Dieting

Fad diets surround us on social media, on magazine covers in the checkout aisle, on radio ads, on TV talk shows, and in books written by celebrities. They can be hard to ignore if you want to achieve a healthy weight. To figure out which popular weight loss diets are sensible and which are less so, we asked Boone Hospital WELLAWARE registered dietitians Jennifer Anderson (listed as JA), Kelsie Knerr (KK) and Jennifer Tveitnes (JT) for their views. 

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Despite the bad reputation, some fats offer health benefits

Despite the bad reputation

Fat is a nutrient necessary for your health. However, they often get a bad rap.

Like any food in our diet, making the right choice when picking fats can make all the difference. Adding healthy fats to your diet can offer health-protective benefits. Consider adding these fats — in moderation — to your diet.

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