Angie and her Boone Angels

Angie Lewis

By Madison Loethen Boone Health Pulmonary Clinic Patient Service Representative Angie Lewis was doing one of her favorite things in the world – spending time with her family – when she became concerned that one of her family members was becoming ill. “I was worried about him, so I took him to Boone Convenient Care…

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A Matter Of The Heart

By Hannah Robertson One day in March 2021, Rickey Harvey was attending a Heart Health Check his wife, Susie, had signed him up for. He had no symptoms but was prompted to attend the Heart Health Check given his family health history. He has relatives who have Factor V Leiden, a genetic blood-clotting disorder due…

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A New Path

By Hannah Robertson There are moments in life when two paths stand clearly in front of us and we know, instinctually, that the path we take will change everything. For Dale Donnell, that moment came shortly after his second heart attack. Anthony J. Spaedy, MD, a cardiologist with Missouri Heart Center, had treated Dale just…

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How to Clean Your Plate

By Jennifer Tveitnes, RD, LD Parents past and present have instructed children to “clean their plate” at the family table. Not only are kids expected to finish all the food on their plate, but it’s often a requirement before they can receive more food, especially dessert. Always eating every bite of food on your plate,…

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A Promise Fulfilled

By Jessica Park Long before Columbia became mid-Missouri’s medical center, people received healthcare in their doctor’s office or at home. But as the city grew and medicine advanced, new approaches were required. This need was made plain in 1918 when the flu pandemic struck Boone County. Parker Memorial Hospital at the University of Missouri quickly…

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When Baby Crashes Babymoon

Boone Health NICU

By Erin Wegner When Jessica and Nathan set off on a “babymoon,” they had planned to rest and relax before their daughter arrived. A babymoon is a chance for expecting parents to get a vacation before their baby arrives. But baby had other plans. Jessica and Nathan live in Chicago, where Nathan teaches at a…

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Boone Success Story: Tracy Sasser

Tracy Sasser

By Hannah Robinson When Tracy Sasser was a young girl, around the age of 5, she had a “trick” that others would often point out: She could flutter her eyelids abnormally fast. She was often asked how she was able to flutter them so quickly, but the truth was, she didn’t know. In fact, most…

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There’s An App For That

By Emily Nusbaum, RN, IBCLC, Boone Family Birthplace When it comes to pregnancy and caring for a newborn, the amount of information you find on the internet can be almost as overwhelming, confusing, and contradicting as raising a new human — welcome to parenthood! New parents can learn most of what they need to know…

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Kid’s Corner: Healthy Snacks And Activities

Healthy snacks and activities

By Jennifer Tveitnes, RD, LDN Kids’ brains are worn out by the end of the school day. Seven hours of switching from subject to subject, solving problems, reading, absorbing new information and navigating social interactions is enough to exhaust anyone’s mind. What’s the best way to energize your child and help everyone power through the…

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Spring Clean Your Pantry

Pantry Organization

By Kate Lohman, MS, RDN, LD Just like the rest of your house, the pantry is a great place to do some spring cleaning. Food items can slowly accumulate and be forgotten over time. Are you always buying more of an item because you can’t remember if you have any left at home? Are you…

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