Additional Resources

Apps for your phone

MyFitness Pal

  • “Take control of your goals. Track calories, breakdown ingredients, and log activities with MyFitnessPal. Search over 11 million foods in our databases.” Compatible with some fitness tackers such as Fitbit and Apple products


  • Food journal app – Count calories and nutrients by taking a picture
  • A creative way to keep a food diary

Calorie King

  • Find nutrition facts for your favorite chain restaurants and food brands – Helps you be more informed making food choices when eating out.

Glucose Buddy

  • Track your blood sugar, insulin, medication, food and more. Creates blood glucose graphs which help you look at your blood sugar over time.


American Diabetes Association - Great resource for learning about diabetes and diabetes management

Diabetes Food Hub - Recipe meal planning and snack resource

Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists - Tools and resources in a variety of themes to help navigate issues people living with diabetes may face