Spiritual Care Services

Boone Hospital Center chaplains provide spiritual care, counseling and support for patients and families. They serve as resources in the crisis of hospitalization by helping families and patients find the strength to deal with natural fears, worries, doubts and questions which may arise in the face of illness. Boone Hospital Center chaplains are required to have taken Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) courses and must receive their denomination’s endorsement.
Chaplains are available for listening, assisting in tough decisions when families are in an unfamiliar place, grief facilitation, providing a prayer, sacraments, devotional materials, to contact local clergy and family, to help with ethical consultation, to assist in completing advance directives (living wills) and to intervene on the patient's behalf.
Employee Services
Boone Hospital Center chaplains are available to hospital employees for emotional support, crisis intervention, and spiritual and religious counseling on a confidential basis.
Physician Services
Spiritual care services staff cooperate closely with physicians as they work with patients and families. Chaplains are also available for case consultation and spiritual care for physicians.