Thanksgiving Holiday Closures
Boone Health is always here to improve the health of the people and communities we serve, but some of our clinics and services will be closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday, Nov. 25 and Friday, Nov. 26. We wish you and your family a happy and healthy holiday! Closed Thursday, Nov. 25 All Boone Health Medical Group…
Read MoreBoone Success Story: Tracy Sasser
By Hannah Robinson When Tracy Sasser was a young girl, around the age of 5, she had a “trick” that others would often point out: She could flutter her eyelids abnormally fast. She was often asked how she was able to flutter them so quickly, but the truth was, she didn’t know. In fact, most…
Read MorePriority: Protein
From a weight loss surgery patient’s first visit in our office through every pre and post op visit, one of the main topics of discussion is protein. Are you getting adequate protein? What types of protein are you consuming? Are you spreading out protein consumption throughout the day? These are all important questions for us…
Read MoreEmotional Health
Emotions play a significant role in weight management. Most people think of the psychological contributor – emotional eating – when it comes emotions and weight. There are also hormones involved in emotions, especially stress, that promote weight gain in physiological ways. Cortisol is one of two primary hormones released during times of stress. When we…
Read MoreThe Importance of Food Logging
Most people have a love/hate relationship with food logging. Some view it as cumbersome, time consuming, and simply difficult to remember to do. Others find it quite helpful, allowing them to stay on track and achieve their goals. As a registered dietitian, I am aware of the research supporting the benefits of food logging. In…
Read MoreBariatric Friendly Summer Treats
Note: the following nutrition advice is intended for bariatric surgery patients. Hot summertime temperatures often lead us to crave cool summertime treats. After bariatric surgery, however, indulgences become very few and far between. The high sugar and/or high fat content of many treats can cause dumping syndrome for gastric bypass patients. Often these foods also…
Read MoreIndependence Day Closures
Boone Health is always here to improve the health of the people and communities we serve, but some of our clinics and services will be closed for Independence Day on Sunday, July 4 and Monday, July 5. We wish everyone a safe holiday weekend! Closed July 4 Boone Convenient Care: Both locations Closed July 5…
Read MoreThere’s An App For That
By Emily Nusbaum, RN, IBCLC, Boone Family Birthplace When it comes to pregnancy and caring for a newborn, the amount of information you find on the internet can be almost as overwhelming, confusing, and contradicting as raising a new human — welcome to parenthood! New parents can learn most of what they need to know…
Read MoreKid’s Corner: Healthy Snacks And Activities
By Jennifer Tveitnes, RD, LDN Kids’ brains are worn out by the end of the school day. Seven hours of switching from subject to subject, solving problems, reading, absorbing new information and navigating social interactions is enough to exhaust anyone’s mind. What’s the best way to energize your child and help everyone power through the…
Read MoreSpring Clean Your Pantry
By Kate Lohman, MS, RDN, LD Just like the rest of your house, the pantry is a great place to do some spring cleaning. Food items can slowly accumulate and be forgotten over time. Are you always buying more of an item because you can’t remember if you have any left at home? Are you…
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